Saturday, May 31, 2014

Expecting Kayden

An early morning on the farm for Kayden's maternity shoot.  It was a bit chilly, big sister Hayley was not too happy with being up SO early, but the warmer the morning got the more Hayley got into the spirit of taking photo's.
This was really special, and I enjoyed capturing these special moments.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Frisbee Golf Day

Elize Mare Photography was the Official Photographer for the Frisbee Golf Day hosted by YELP and Hirsch.  The event was aimed at raising funds for D.A.D.S {Diabetic Assist Dog SA}.

It's been a huge privilege being part of the event and I enjoyed every moment of this day!
Met some awesome people too!

It was also the first time EMP did 'Green Screen' photography, with some on-site and off-site assistance from the Computer Guyz Gauteng - really amazing support and designing, check out the images!

**more images will be uploaded to my website for viewing and orders soon!**